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Children are the new generation of God’s ambassadors on planet earth!  Here at Hillside, we partner with parents in leading their children in a vibrant and Bible-centered relationship with Jesus

Sunday Morning

Service Times

Children’s Church

10:00am Service: Nursery, Pre-K, and K-6th classes available. Nursery and Pre-K classes welcome children in from the onset of service. K-6th grades join their families in the sanctuary during the singing portion of the worship service, and are later dismissed to their age appropriate classes.

Wednesday Nights

HCC Kids will break until January 8. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

HCC Kids

Wednesdays from 6:00pm – 7:45pm

We hope you will bring your children to our new Wednesday night program for kids 3 years old through 5th grade.

We will be using Brite Curriculum, which is a ministry of AWANA. Their proven and effective discipleship philosophy is made up of three components: BELONG, BELIEVE and BECOME. BELONG to a highly relational ministry led by loving, caring adults; BELIEVE: learn deeply from this scriptural ministry rooted in the Gospel and the truth of God’s Word so that they may know, love, and serve Jesus Christ; BELONG: this truly experiential ministry is designed to help kids navigate a changing culture, experience God’s presence and walk in the ways of Jesus.

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